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Event Security

The Plumber You Deserve
What we offer

Event Security

Event Security Solutions

Join over 35,000 satisfied costumers of ours

Our event focused security professionals are experienced in providing premium customer service for your event large or small. We provide individuals with excellent presentation and personal skills with the success of your event at the forefront of our service. Consider Westsec when planning your next event and find out why our service is second to none.

What type of security should I get for my event?

We offer Event specific security solutions with customer service in mind. We understand the difference between event types and the security requirements that come with them. Our guards have a strong and friendly presence to look after your Event, Venue & Attendees.

  • Small Events
  • Festivals
  • Sporting Events
  • Public Events

Important service points

All of our staff hold the required licences and accreditation, so you can expect a level of professionalism unmatched in the industry.

  • Licensed & insured
  • Trained & Knowledgeable
  • Friendly and approachable
  • Professional

Our goal is to provide a level of customer service-focused security unparalleled in Perth. Whether you need a big team of professionals or a smaller outfit, our teams are catered to your venue. No matter your security & crowd-controlling needs, we have the solutions to fit you and your patrons. Consider Westsec when you think of event security in Perth.